Why choose us?

I work with the inherent design of the body

As a practitioner I have been educated on how to work with the inherent design of the body. The human body is...

I respect the body

I believe and understand that no two people are alike. Each individual requires different treatments and supplementation. So in keeping with this understanding, I respect...

I work with high quality products

The products that I recommend for my clients are from the same companies that I recommend for my family and friends. I believe in using the best products possible. My goal is...

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Did You Know?


An organisms’ (humans, animals or plants) ability to carry out chemical reactions is not possible without enzymes. Enzymes are a very large and complex protein molecule.  They are the catalysts or the workers of the body.

There are an estimated 75,000 different enzymes in the human body that perform chemical reactions at an amazing rate. Enzymes are very specific to which substrate or molecule they work on. It is like a lock and key relationship between enzymes and substrates.

Enzymes are like the locks and substrates are like the keys. Only certain substrates can fit into certain enzymes for the desired reaction to occur. That may explain why there are so many different enzymes.  Enzymes can either launch a reaction or speed it up. They are also never wasted and always recycled.

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