Why Choose Us?

I work with the inherent design of the body

As a practitioner I have been educated on how to work with the inherent design of the body. The human body is a complex system and there are many ways to evaluate and assess it. Understanding what is causing the imbalance in the system allows me to help educate my clients in how to bring their bodies back to balance. Together we will work with a plan to reach your goals.

I respect the body

I believe and understand that no two people are alike. Each individual requires different treatments and  supplementation. So in keeping with this understanding, I respect the body and suggest only products, protocols and supplementation that is necessary for as long as it is necessary. I believe that once your body’s reserves have been brought back to sufficient levels, you can discontinue supplements and only take them on an “as needed” basis. Educating my clients about diet and nutrition is an essential part to this process so that they will know which foods to eat to keep the proper balance of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients necessary for optimal function.

I work with high quality products

The products that I recommend for my clients are from the same companies that I recommend for my family and friends. I believe in using the best products possible. My goal is not to keep you dependent on any product, but to use these products to build up your reserves and get your body back to a balanced state. You can trust that the products are of high quality, pure, and effective. The effectiveness of any product is paramount, for what is the use in paying for something and taking it into the body that the body cannot use.